Taco Tuesday All Week Long

Q: How do you never get bored with a week’s worth of food prep?

A: Make mix-and-match meals.

Last week, we had tacos two ways! Here’s how:

  1. Mango salsa (using the same recipe as the mango salsa salad).
  2. Tomato jalapeno pico de gallo (mix diced tomatoes, diced red onion, chopped cilantro, jalapeno pepper, olive oil, salt, and lime juice).
  3. Chicken fried in olive oil and taco spices.
  4. Basa fillets baked in the blackening spices from this recipe.
  5. Boil rice, black beans, and corn.

Then, we mixed-and-matched, stuffed into corn tortillas, ate, and enjoyed for days!


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